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Showing posts from October, 2019

Tips from Purposeful Play by Kristin Mraz, Alison Porcelli and Cheryl Tyler

1. Play allows multiple opportunities and mode to reach various standards. 2. Children at play can often be found re-enacting favorite stories. 3. Play is it's own method of instruction. 4. Play is a natural learning environment for children. 5. Play give access to content and higher levels of thinking for a variety of learners. 6. Not all learners use language as a primary mode of learning and expression, some benefit from movement and physicality while learning, others express themselves through drawing or painting. This book has endless tips, strategies and research that supports play based learning. This book is a must read for all early childhood educators. Purposeful Play: A Teacher's Guide to Igniting Deep and Joyful Learning Across the Day By: Kristin Mraz, Alison Porcelli and Cheryl Tyler Mraz,K., Procellli,A., Tyler,C. (2016)Purposeful Play:A Teacher's Guide to Igniting Deep and Joyful Learning Across the Day